Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rotation Explained - Or at least it's a start!

OK everyone, rotation rotation rotation. That's what people talk to hitters about these days. What is rotation? Why is it important? What does it look like? Have you seen any today? Well, I have. I saw plenty today and I'll see more tomorrow. This particular swing I believe will help a lot of hitters out, as it's a common swing flaw that our kids struggle with: Taking the energy that they have from the linear move and keeping their body in constant motion into rotation. Check out the video below to see what I'm talking about. By the way when you see the video, you HAVE to understand that Kristin has been hitting left handed since September 2007, and WHAT A SWING! She works hard and is coachable. She's a 2009 graduate that somebody is going to be lucky to have in their program in the Fall of 2010. This is her swing at 9-months....Give her another 15-months, she'll be ready. Understanding where a player is, and what you can project her to be is going to make some college coach look really smart taking a chance on a kid that has only been on the left side for 9-months. I'm glad to help you contact Kristin if interested.

Mark Mulvany

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